Lipedema Specialist in Salzburg | Dr. Giera Lipedema Specialist
My life's purpose is to help you live a more enjoyable life, a life with more quality of life. I do this with my heart, my mind, my commitment to excellence, and my years of experience.
Lipedema Specialist in Salzburg | Dr. Giera Lipedema Specialist

Welcome to the practice of Dr. Corinna Giera

When choosing to become a doctor, one thing should be at the forefront of your mind: the joy of helping other people. To alleviate their suffering and to heal them. In addition, the fascination of surgery was the driving force for me personally to take up this profession. I have seen a lot, learned a lot and operated a lot. And as if an invisible hand had always shown me the way, I met lipedema - or it met me.

This connection was what I was looking for. And if you can describe it like this: Through this clinical picture I have "arrived" professionally. Perfect professional fulfillment. A rare commodity, an absolute happiness.

I owe it all to you, dear patients.

And that is why you can be sure of one thing:

Professional competence at the highest level coupled with heart, commitment, humanity, respect and love should characterize your treatment by us. Operating well is an important part of this. To accompany you well through the depths of your journey is our task, to participate in your heights our wish.

We look forward to our journey together!


Dr. Corinna Giera | Lipedema Specialist & Owner
dr giera holding a liposuction needle

Experience & expertise at a high level

Love humanity competence love experience
precision experience love competence humanity

Together for your new attitude to life!

What could our path look like?


Dare to take the first step! Feel free to contact us by phone, email, Whatsapp or Instagram. We will take care of your request as soon as possible and get back to you!


Because every patient is individual and so is her history, her wishes and needs, we offer different consultation modalities! We will be happy to inform you and look forward to meeting you.


Here, too, we focus on a professional, but also warm-hearted atmosphere in our office. We want you to feel as comfortable as possible during your stay with us!


This is just as important as the procedure itself. I will gladly accompany you through ups and downs and am available for you at any time with questions, fears or concerns!

Contact us today!

Lipedema Specialist in Salzburg | Dr. Giera Lipedema Specialist